Learning Web Development - Curriculum and Resources

A Mix of paid / free / online / offline resources, each topic in roughly recommended order


CSS3 for Web Designers by Dan Cederholm

Learn CSS In-Depth with Estelle Weyl

A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks

A Complete Guide to Grid | CSS-Tricks

What No One Told You About Z-Index

Learn Motion Design in CSS with Rachel Nabors, Animation Expert

Flexbox Zombies

Learn CSS Grids and Flexbox for Responsive Web Design

👩‍🎨 Learn Modern CSS Layout Techniques with Flexbox, Grid, CSS Calc and CSS Custom Properties

Learn Sass Preprocessor to Write Readable and Maintainable CSS

Sass for Web Designers by Dan Cederholm

Responsive Design: Patterns & Principles by Ethan Marcotte

Going Responsive by Karen McGrane

Learn Tailwind


Tokens in Design Systems


Accessibility for Everyone by Laura Kalbag

HTML5 For Web Designers by Jeremy Keith & Rachel Andrew

Learn Website Accessibility and Audit Your Site with Jon Kuperman

Learn JavaScript Accessibility Features for Making Your JavaScript Web Applications More Accessible with Marcy Sutton.

Practical SVG by Chris Coyier

The All-in-One Digital Accessibility eBook

How I audit a werbsite for accessibility

Basic accessibility testing

Using ARIA


JavaScript for Web Designers by Mat Marquis


Codewars: Achieve mastery through challenge



Choose Boring Technology

Why Senior Devs Write Dumb Code and How to Spot a Junior From A Mile Away | Hacker Noon

Development tools to know

Your Friendly Web Development Companion

Learn the Chrome Developer Tools to Debug and Optimize Sites and Web Apps

Learn to customize VS Code through its powerful extension ecosystem to improve your speed and productivity as a developer.

Learn Git In-depth: Master git techniques for commits, branching and merging with Git

Learn to create a Design System from scratch. Create modular components with React and document them with Storybook in this Course by Emma Bostian.

Git Workflow | Atlassian Git Tutorial

Practical Git for Everyday Professional Use

Git Tutorials and Training | Atlassian Git Tutorial

Siteimprove - SEO, Accessibility, Analytics, GDPR, & More

Learning paths and curriculums


Full stack open 2020


Agile & Lean

Modern Agile

The Heart of Agile | More powerful, More human

Manifesto for Agile Software Development

Lean UX

Lean Analytics

Scrum Patterns

Also see

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